
October 6, 2016

going bush


not one of my strengths

I’m waiting …

for my head to heal

for the flood waters to subside, so I can go back to the farm

for the tractor to arrive, so I can get started on the swales

for the end of October, so we can purchase some queen bees and their minions, to populate our newly constructed hives

In the meantime…

I am pottering around in our urban garden

I have let this garden bed go fallow for about four months















when we bought the house, we removed the azaleas because they had mildew

we then planted roses, and they were magnificent for a few years until they got black spot

then we tried some drought tolerant native plants, and they died

the soil was in poor condition, it was hydrophobic

so I dug in lots of leaf mulch and water-saver pellets

and waited

and now the soil is lovely

and it holds moisture

and I planted herbs this time

because the bees will love them













oregano, thyme, lemon thyme, pineapple sage, spring onions, perpetual spinach, perennial basil, marjoram, chia, chilli

and the female satin bower bird came down to inspect the job and snack on my strawberries










she loves to eat my chilli’s too



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2 Comments on “waiting”

  1. michaelwatsonvt Says:

    Lovely post. So much fun to witness the loving transformation of the land!
    We are sharing our rslverries with the finches.


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