stop. think. respect.

August 3, 2014


Here is a new advertisement created by BeyondBlue to generate awareness of  discrimination of Indigenous people.

It’s very well done. My youngest boy burst into tears when he saw it. I feel so sorry for the fella on the bus.



And here is a commentary from the actors on the advertisement…





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9 Comments on “stop. think. respect.”

  1. Michelle Says:

    Yes, I’ve seen this on TV. I also got very upset and felt so terrible for the man on the bus.


  2. michaelwatsonvt Says:

    Powerful, indeed! I have passed it along.


    • tree girl Says:

      Hi Michael

      It has been getting a lot of exposure this past week. One of my colleagues said she was watching a reality show on the TV and this ad was shown during every break.


  3. Beauty Along the Road Says:

    Powerful – all the insidious little ways we show in various ways how we really feel.


  4. Beauty Along the Road Says:

    Tree Girl: I received your comment to my Lost Art of Storytelling post but could not “approve” it so it would show up. I’ll copy it here, so maybe you can try it again. I saw that movie and, yes, it reminded me so much of what American Indians went through. This is your comment:

    Wow, what a lovely experience.

    We have similar stories in Australia. There is a book and a movie called “The Rabbit Proof Fence” written by an Aboriginal woman, about how she escaped the boarding school and returned to her Homelands, walking 2,400 kilometres through the desert.


  5. Inga Leonora Says:

    Such a deep deep shame this is still a problem in the 21st Century. But BeyondBlue keep doing the good work. The accompanying commentary by the Indigenous actors was also rather sad, but well done to them for speaking out. Great share, lovely! x


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