why druidry?

I have had an interest in Druidry for some time. Many of my ancestors were British and Irish. However, I haven’t known how to approach Druidry.

I had been looking for books on Druidry, but the reviews were mixed. I did not want any new age interpretations on an ancient art. I read that Druidry was an oral tradition, and as such was lost to modern people. I had read that only men were Druids.

Learning the history and practices of Druidry through the OBOD course (http://www.druidry.org/) has eased my mind, especially as Druidry has similar concepts to shamanism. My spiritual life has always been connected to nature and in particular trees. I am looking forward to embarking on the journey of the Druids.


Image source: faeriekeeper.net


Hear the voice of the Bard!
Who Present, Past, and Future sees;
Whose ears have heard
The Holy Word
That walk’d among the ancient trees.

William Blake


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